HB2827 UPDATE 2/8/2025
There seems to be a lot of confusion about how a bill becomes a law in Illinois. We are currently at the first reading/rules Committee step in the attached image. We have a long way to go folks. Take a deep breath. https://www.ilga.gov/commission/lis/98bill_law.pdf
Quite a few folks went rogue 2/7/2025 and made a ton of calls against the wishes of the team that has been preparing for this for a year. We can not hound reps who are already against this and we don't yet have a list of who they are. (See below!)
Illinois Homeschool Association
(Formerly Illinois H.O.U.S.E.)
Illinois Homeschool Association (ILHSA) is a statewide network of people involved in homeschooling. We are nonsectarian (not religious based) and inclusive for all.
Membership in ILHSA offers a certain amount of assurance to homeschoolers regarding legal issues. ILHSA holds a position on the board of the Ad Hoc Committee for Illinois Homeschool Legal and Legislative Matters, a group that very carefully monitors legal and legislative activity that can potentially have an effect on homeschools. Consulting and working together with other organizations on Ad Hoc, ILHSA is able to supply reliable and timely information to its members regarding legal issues.
We provide this web page that answers most questions including common questions such as how to withdraw a child from public school, what the school district needs from homeschooling families and how to deal with officials who ask for more than they're entitled to receive.
Homeschool Freedoms Aren't Free, Feb 16, 2019
As Illinois homeschoolers are all aware we are the beneficiaries of decades of our predecessors carefully monitoring what is happening in our state legislature and several times a year quietly taking action on small but crucial concerns. On occasion, word is sent out throughout the homeschooling community to please take action on a specific issue because we couldn't make it go away quietly, but these have, thankfully, been rare.
The primary way we have been able to monitor such activity in the Illinois legislature is through a wonderful, dedicated lobbyist. Lobbyists need to be paid.
We are urging every Illinois home educator or supporter of home education to please join a local group that is a member one of the statewide groups that has a seat on the Ad Hoc Committee or to join one of these statewide groups as an individual. Your membership dues today will help keep a lobbyist in Springfield tomorrow.
Contact us via email at ContactUs@ilhsa.org or leave a message at (708) 816.4546 and someone will return your call as soon as possible.